
Lord of the Wastes

Earn all available trophies for Dead Star. "Look upon my works and weep."

Ultra Rare


Fresh Meat

Complete the Loadout, Piloting, and Conquest tutorials. "Welcome to The Wastes."




Kill an enemy player. "The first of many."




Kill 100 enemy players. "And you shall know me by the trail of dead."

Ultra Rare


Blood God

Kill 500 enemy players. "I am death incarnate."

Ultra Rare


En Fuego

Get a Kill Streak of 5. "I figure I could keep doing this all day."

Very Rare



Get a Kill Streak of 10. "I reckon if you want to keep dying, I'll oblige."

Ultra Rare



Assist in 100 enemy kills. "A good friend will help you move. A great friend will help you move a body."

Ultra Rare


Trigger Jockey

Reach Ship Level 10 in a match. "Now I know what all these buttons do."

Very Rare



Reach Pilot Level 10. "Pretty soon, I’ll run this whole joint."

Ultra Rare



Reach Pilot Level 50. "Ain't nobody tougher than me."

Ultra Rare


Quick Shot McGee

Earn the first kill in a match. "Y'all too slow. Also yer dead."

Ultra Rare



Earn the Domination Tactical Action. "No mercy for the weak."

Very Rare


Grave Digger

Earn the Payback Tactical Action. "If I die, I'm sure as hell taking you with me."

Very Rare



Earn Assault, Defense, Shutdown, and Conquest Tactical Actions in a single match. "You see all this? This is MINE."

Ultra Rare


Big Fish

Finish a match on the winning team. "Guess there's a new sheriff in town. A sheriff of killin' idiots like you."



Biggest Fish

Finish a match on the winning team 50 times. "There ain't another in the 'verse as good as me."

Ultra Rare


Skull Crusher

Earn a Decisive Victory. "We don't just win, we crush skulls."

Very Rare


Soul Eater

Earn 10 Decisive Victories. "We don't just win, we eat souls."

Ultra Rare


Claim Jumper

Upgrade Outposts with 10000 Ore. "So where do you want me to put all this stuff?"

Ultra Rare


New Homeowner

Capture an Outpost. "Them last folks ain't getting their security deposit back."



Control Freak

Capture 50 Outposts. "I am the master of all I survey."

Ultra Rare


Ender of Things

Destroy a home base in Conquest mode. "The last thing they'll see is my smiling face."

Ultra Rare


Red Leader

Earn 2000 Kill / Assists points in a single match. "I don't plan on leaving a single one'a them still breathin'."

Ultra Rare



Earn 2000 Tactical Action points in a single match. "Everyone has a plan until they get a rocket in the face."

Ultra Rare



Earn 2000 Outpost Upgrades points in a single match. "You get all the glory, but I make this heap WORK."

Ultra Rare


Junkyard Dog

Earn 2000 Guardian Scrap points in a single match. "That's one more for the scrap heap."

Ultra Rare


Team Player

Earn 2000 Match Bonus points in a single match. "It was a team effort. Mostly."

Ultra Rare



Earn every Ace Pilot Reward. "I am the pilot king, I can do anything."

Ultra Rare


Big Game Hunter

Destroy a Capital Ship Structure. "Harvest the best, scrap the rest."

Ultra Rare


Giant Killer

Destroy a Capital Ship. "The bigger they are the harder they fall."

Ultra Rare


Contract Runner

Successfully complete a Capital Ship Escape Run as the Contract Owner. "Best in the 'verse, guaranteed."

Ultra Rare


Dead Eye

Kill 100 enemy players with the Marksman. "No need to rush, I brought enough missiles for everyone."

Ultra Rare


Alpha Dog

Kill 100 enemy players with the Bulldog. "I can kill you up close or a mile away. Your choice."

Ultra Rare



Kill 100 enemy players with the Vindicator. "I love to watch them burn."

Ultra Rare


Close Shave

Kill 100 enemy players with the Razor. "Anyone else want a slice? I'm buying."

Ultra Rare


Sneaky McSneakerson

Kill 100 enemy players with the Stalker. "They never see it coming."

Ultra Rare


Kill Shot

Kill 100 enemy players with the Leviathan. "One shot, one kill."

Ultra Rare


Bug Zapper

Kill 100 enemy players with the Herald. "I am shocked. Shocked that they lived that long."

Ultra Rare



Kill 100 enemy players with the Warden. "Look at me, all up in yer business."

Ultra Rare


Hanging Judge

Kill 100 enemy players with the Justicar. "Judge. Jury. And my favorite...Executioner."

Ultra Rare


Certified Pilot

Fly any ship for 10 hours. "Fly all night, don't stop 'til your eyes bleed."

Ultra Rare



Craft a component in the Recycler. "What does this button do?"

Very Rare



Finish a match with a non-default pilot portrait. "Smile for the camera."

Very Rare



Augment a ship. "What the hell's a samoflange?"

Very Rare


Gear Head

Fully Augment a ship system. "Now we're cooking with gas. Space gas."

Ultra Rare


Chrome King

Reach Augment Level 25 on a single ship. "She's shiny and fast and runs like hellfire."

Ultra Rare


Fresh Coat

Finish a match with a non-default paint style. "I may not know much about art, but I know what I like!"

Very Rare
